Happy New Year, everyone! I feel like like it’s been forever since I wrote last even though it’s only been about 2 weeks. Funny how the holiday season can just warp time.
I’m writing to you from Dubai, UAE. I’m visiting a friend here and we’ve been traveling all over the place. I’ve been wanting to visit the Middle East since I studied it extensively in college and I’m finally here. What a dream. I remember thinking back then, I’m going to go there someday and now here I am at a café on the Palm Jumeriah writing to you. It’s amazing what can happen with a little hard work and persistence. (My husband tells me I’m the most persistent person he knows… really I think that’s code for the most frustrating person he knows. LOL).
I’ve been filming a ton of footage and plan on making at least one travel vlog for you all to see some of these places. So, keep you eyes peeled for that email.

I love this time of year. The beginning of January always feels like a blank canvas for me. As you probably already know, I love planning and prepping and scheduling, etc. so getting ready for a new year is such a treat for me. Everything feels rife with possibility.
This past year, though, was different for me. It was probably the most productive year I’ve ever had. It’s not like I made any giant changes to myself – but my approach to work and life was radically different. I set fewer goals than I ever have, but they were more heart centered and aligned and clear, and friends, that made ALL the difference. Then, my daily grind was different. It was also more structured and clear and aligned. The structure made completing my tasks infinitely easier and each day I made a little progress toward my big goals. It felt so good.
So damn good in fact, that I want to share exactly what I did with you. You may have already seen some of the videos or posts that I’ve created about a little mini course I created called START STRONG. It’s a completely FREE 3 part mini course designed to empower you to bridge the gap from where you are to where you really want to be in 2019. It’s available all of January and you can sign up and receive it immediately right here.
The contents inside of it are a huge part of why I’ve been able to make music, build a business, and travel simultaneously over the past 12 months. Of course, nothing is perfect and there are still many things I want to work on, but the information in the course impacted me so greatly that I felt like it was my duty to share it with you. I’m hoping it lights a fire in you to run after your dreams, and then also gives you the fuel you need to keep going. I believe in you. Let me know if you have questions as you know I want to support your dream chasing in any way I can! 🙂
Here are a few more photos from my travels, as well. I wish you all such a happy and beautiful 2019!

Dubai, UAE , currently the world’s tallest building.

I’d love to add more pictures but internet security here is pretty tight and the connection won’t allow me to add any more.
Talk soon!
Light, Love, & Peace,
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